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"Arrival jitters are there as I arrive at DaySpring and Camp Able, but are quickly squashed as the Counselors arrive at my car and calling me by name. I knew I'd come to the right place when I'm met by a priest wearing a Hawaiian print shirt-clerical collar and all. Formalities quickly put aside, LET THE FUN BEGIN! My fear of being accepted on this first day is hard to put aside. Why would people unknown to me, be willing to accept me." 


"Dear Camp-Able, and Staff - My Nephew is Patrick Smith, (I'm his Uncle Bob, A.K.A. Coco Pop). I am very impressed and humbled to see what you are doing not only with Patrick, but with the many others that have special needs. Your Organization is truly Blessed. Keep up your wonderful doings thru Strength in our Lord God Jesus Christ! Best Regards - Bob Noone.


“Camp Able was a chance to have fun and make new friends."


“I found out more things about myself, and I’ve seen a lot of things in these campers that I don’t see in other people."


"It’s an opportunity for me to discover the richness in the diversity of human beings."

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